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multiple units 意味

"multiple units"の例文


  • 複数台{ふくすう だい}
  • multiple     multiple n. 〔数学〕 倍数. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the lowest common multiple 最小公倍数.
  • have multiple units shooting    複数{ふくすう}の班で撮影{さつえい}を行う
  • in units of    in units of 刻みに きざみに
  • multiple     multiple n. 〔数学〕 倍数. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the lowest common multiple 最小公倍数. 【+前置詞】 Metric units are related to each other in multiples of ten. メートル法の単位は 10 の倍数で相関しあう.
  • multiple of    《a ~》多様{たよう}な
  • adjacent units    adjacent units 隣接部隊 りんせつぶたい
  • airlanded units    空輸着陸部隊{くうゆ ちゃくりく ぶたい}
  • alcohol units    アルコール単位{たんい}
  • atomic units    atomic units 原子単位系[基礎]; ハートリー単位系[基礎]
  • base units    base units 基本単位[医生]
  • breakeven in units    損益分岐点数量{そんえき ぶんきてん すうりょう}
  • brew units    アヘン
  • centering of the units    ユニットの芯出し
  • coherent units    coherent units コヒーレント単位[基礎]
  • derived units    derived units 組立単位[基礎]


  • connect multiple units together , which gives you
    複数のユニットを 繋げることができます
  • dispatch , we need multiple units to respond .
    至急 部隊の応援を
  • 104 , multiple units responding .
    [了解 複数の応答者あり]
  • 104 , multiple units responding .
    [了解 複数の応答者あり]
  • for high-class daimyo belonging to several tens of thousand koku class , it was possible to possess several multiple units of such sonae grouped into one te (a single unit ) (that is , a single te unit of troops had military power equivalent to that of a daimyo belonging to 100 ,000 koku class ).
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